1. Fundamentals of Mechatronics (메카트로닉스기초)
• Text
- Introduction to mechatronics and measurement systems
David G. Alciatore & Michael B. Histand [McGraw-Hill]
• Reference
- Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
G. Rizzoni [McGraw-Hill]
- 메카트로닉스와 계측시스템
강철구 외 5인 공역 [인터비젼]
• Course Objectives
- Electronic circuits and components
- System response
- Analoge signal processing using OP amp
- Digital circuits
- Data acquisition & Computer interfacing
- Sensors & Measurement theory
2. Robotics (로봇공학)
• Text
- Lecture Notes
• Reference
- Robot Modeling and Control
Spong, Mark W./Hutchinson, Seth/Vidyasagar, M.
- Inrtroduction to robotics: mechanics and control(3rd Ed.)
John J.Craig
Pearson Prentice Hall
• Course Objectives
- To obtain an ability to analyze and design a robotic control system for robot manipulation
- To apply and realize mechanical knowledge such as automatic control, kinematics,
statics and dynamics that you have learned through a target system, robot
1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learing(인공지능과 머신러닝)
• Text
- 패턴인식과 기계학습박혜영 , 이관용 지음 [이한출판사]
• Reference
- Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
Christopher M. Bishop [Springer]
• Course Objectives
- [Def.] Draw a meaningful conclusion, given a set of data (observation, measurement)
- In 1959, Arthur Samuel defined machine learning as a "Field of study that
gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed"
- Often hand programming not possible
- Solution? - > Get the computer to program itself, by showing it examples of the behavior we want!
- Really - > we write the structure of the program and the computer tunes many internal parameters